Progress Pics

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Coolest scales ever

My latest ebay purchase just arrived!!! A digital scale that gives you body fat percentage! It has a little handheld reader so you don't have to try to stand on scales and balance to read the numbers way down at your toes. Even with my glasses on, I struggle to read the little screens.
So you put in your details; female, 170cm tall etc and then you save it under "person 1" "person 2" etc. so your readings are accurate. Then it gives you weight and BF% so even if you put on weight, but you're also hitting the weights at the gym (muscle weighs more than fat) you can see that yes you put on 1kg but you lost body fat... Therefore you have put on 1kg of muscle-weight and not to freak out thinking you've put on fat-weight!! Makes things easier trying to stay motivated to see that BF% go down.

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